June 22, 2011


It drives me crazy when people mispronounce words. I have a degree in English after all, so that gives me the right to make fun of others when they say words incorrectly, right? However, for some reason the delicious chocolate frozen treats enjoyed in the summertime have always been known to me as a 'fudgicle', as opposed to a 'fudgsicle'.

I suppose like many people who mispronounce words, I never really realized that I did. That was, until I said it one time several summers ago to my husband who teased me mercilessly. Why did I drop the 's'? I have no idea; but I liked the way it sounded, so I went with it. Even after realizing the correct way to say it, I chose not to. Truthfully, I was just being stubborn, wanting to do things my own way, as usual!!

So last night we bought a box of this timeless summer treat and I sent Lady M to ask her daddy if he wanted one. I fed her the line, and she headed over to him and said "do you want a fuckle?". Er, my mispronunciation has just come around to bite me in the butt. I was laughing like crazy, but I'm not sure that I should encourage the word 'fuckle' to be in my two-year-old daughter's vocabulary.

After my fits of giggles subsided, and I pulled myself off the floor where I had turned into a puddle of laughter, I tried again. Carefully pronouncing the unnecessary "s", I said "oh, he'd like a fudgSicle?", and she said "yes, a fud-sicle". Phewf.

I guess that means I'll have to call it a fudgsicle too...lesson learned.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious & hereditary... I too have an English degree and cannot say frustrating... always, even when I spell it, comes out fustrating... however, it's never lead to a child swearing - lol. One day we'll have to eat fudgicles and discuss how fustrated we are with other people's mispronounced words :)

Kristin said...

Haha - I love the fustrating fudgicle date; sounds perfect to me!!

Faiza said...

i just remembered another fudge story you told me! lol!

Julie said...

Haha, Kristin this one left me actually laughing out loud to myself. Thanks for sharing your story. I must say again, I love reading your blog :)